Since 2006 PhysEducation offeres worldwide the following topics.
Constructing a consistent patient report
- Patient report "Bless or Burdon
- Methodical working and clinical reasoning
Physiotherapeutical Training
- Medical Training Therapie (MTT)
- Basic training program in chronic disease
- Electro diagnostics
- Pain modulation
- Functional Electro Stimulation (FES)
Ultrasound therapy
- Indications and determination of treatment type and treatment intensity
- Staionair ultrasound and LIPUS (Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound)
- Surface Electro Myografie (EMG)
Muscular Skeletal Ultrasound
- introduction in Muscular skeletal ultrasound
- Introduction in Radial and Focused shockwave
Dry Needling (in association with Frank Timmermans
- Extremities (basis course)
- Vertebral Column
- Head and Neck (master class)
Massage therapists
Triggerpoint relaese methode
- Basics
- Upper extremity
- Lower extremity
- Trunk and neck